Finishing a Reading Workshop of Toni Morrison’s ‘God Help the Child’

Last week I finished a reading workshop where we spent one week reading twenty pages a week of the novel God Help the Child.

In the first week, we talked about Morrison’s protagonist Bride not being the person she wanted to be.

In the second week, when we read up to page sixty, we talked about Bride’s relationship with her co-worker Brooklyn:

In the third week, we talked about the beginning of Bride’s journey guided by Booker’s admonition: “correct what you can, learn from what you can’t:”

In the fourth week, we talked about exactly how Bride was correcting what she could, and learning from what she couldn’t:

In the fifth week, we talked about Bride’s pursuit of truth:

In the sixth week, we learned about Booker’s back story:

In the seventh week, we learned the result of Bride’s pursuit of Booker:

In the eighth week, we discussed the end of the novel:

In the ninth week, we read the Introduction I wrote to the book Critical Responses about the Black Family in Toni Morrison’s God Help the Child.

In our tenth week, we read the second half of the Introduction:

In our eleventh and last week, we discussed Jasmin Wilson’s article “Raising the Inner Child: Lessons of Emotional Development in ‘God Help the Child'” and my article “Socialized to Silence: A Close Reading of Booker Starbern and Lula Ann Bridewell in God Help the Child According to Kobi Kambon’s Model of African Self-Consciousness:”